Unresponsive Listing Agent

Dealing with an unresponsive listing agent is every homeowner’s worst nightmare. Not only does it delay the sale of their home, but it also causes frustration and wasted time when they try to get in contact with them. The best way to approach this situation is by being proactive and finding out as much information … Continued

Is My Realtor Scamming Me

Real estate scams are an ever-growing problem in several parts of the United States. It is essential to understand that not all realtors have their client’s best interests at hand. Knowing what signs and strategies scammers look out for can help defend one from becoming a victim of such schemes. Signs such as unprofessionalism, unrealistic … Continued

What To Do When Your Realtor Ignores You

If your realtor is ignoring you, the best thing to do is take a deep breath and remember that this situation can sometimes happen in life. It’s essential to remain patient and try not to get upset. You should then consider contacting their broker or filing an official complaint with the appropriate regulatory agency – … Continued

The 7 Most Common Tricks Real Estate Agents Play On Homeowners

Real estate agents are professionals who have deep knowledge of the market. However, this can also be a double-edged sword as some agents may use underhanded tactics to help you either purchase or sell your home and it’s important for all homeowners to understand these tricks so they don’t become victims. From overpricing property and … Continued

What Does Accepting Backup Offers Mean

Accepting a backup offer can be beneficial for both the seller and the buyer in certain situations. However, it’s important to consider all aspects before committing. Accepting a backup offer is an agreement between two parties where one party – typically a real estate investor or buyer who has expressed interest in purchasing property – … Continued

Polybutylene Pipe Replacement Cost

Replacing Polybutylene pipes can be a costly endeavor. Depending on the age of your home, the type and condition of pipes, the magnitude of work to replace them, and the complexity involved in replacing them with modern-day materials – all these factors come into play when estimating the cost for replacement. Polybutylene pipe properties, such … Continued
How Soon Can You Sell A House After Buying It

How Soon Can You Sell A House After Buying It

As a homeowner, you may consider selling your newly purchased house for various reasons. Perhaps you have found a better-suited home or need to relocate due to work obligations. Whatever the case may be, it is natural to wonder how soon you can sell a house after buying it. While there is no set time … Continued

Difference Between Pending And Under Contract

When it comes to buying or selling a home, understanding the difference between “pending” and “under contract” is essential. Pending can be seen as an intent to purchase while under contract signifies that the buyer has made a legally binding offer by signing off on all required paperwork. Time frames differ when it comes to … Continued

What If I Don’t Have Earnest Money

When it comes to buying a home, many buyers require earnest money for their purchase. But what happens if you don’t have the necessary funds? In that case, there are several alternatives available such as an Option Agreement, Escrow Account, or Letter of Credit, which still allows potential buyers to enter into negotiations with sellers … Continued

Chimney Removal Cost

Chimney removal cost depends largely on the size and type of chimney, its accessibility, and the size of the home. Generally speaking, a chimney that is accessible can be removed for around $1,000-$2,500, while an inaccessible one typically runs twice as much or more. However, there are additional costs to consider, such as removing debris … Continued

How Long After Closing Can You Move In

When it comes to moving in after closing on a home, the amount of time needed before you’re allowed to move in varies. Generally speaking, homeowners can typically expect anywhere from 3 days to 4 weeks, depending upon various factors and conditions during the closing process. Even though each homeowner’s situation is different, there are … Continued

What Does Lead Paint Look Like

It is important to be aware of the signs and dangers associated with lead paint. Lead paint typically appears as a dull, chalky substance that easily flakes off when touched or scraped. It may also appear in different colors depending on its age; modern-day lead paints are usually white or light grey, while older varieties … Continued

Can You Transfer Property With A Lien

Transferring property with a lien can be tricky and often has legal, financial, and tax implications. A lien is an encumbrance on a piece of real estate that affects the property’s title. Potential obstacles include getting all parties’ approval and overcoming any liens already attached to it. Additionally, transferring ownership along with existing liens means … Continued

75000 A Year Is How Much An Hour

Calculating the hourly rate of an annual salary can be a helpful tool for budgeting or evaluating job offers. For example, someone making $75000 per year would earn roughly $38.46/hour based on 40 hours of work each week ($75,000 / 2,080 working hours). This is just one method to consider, and there are many other … Continued

Split-Level House

Split-level homes, also known as bi-level or raised ranch-style houses, are a popular residential option offering distinct advantages and disadvantages. Split-level homes feature two levels of living space that are divided roughly in half by an interior staircase leading to the upper floor. The main floors usually house bedrooms, while entertaining areas like living rooms … Continued
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